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The vision for The OneBodtinChrist organization is to build upon the kingdom of God having the awareness that we may all have some outward signs of difference but our beliefs and values of Trust in God are solely based on the same standard that holds us together. The Principles of the Word of God. Jesus Christ his death, burial and resurrection makes all of us One. Standing on these principles Jesus is Lord we are many members but one body in him. Serving one goal collectively to build a Stronger community inviting change for our world through his Grace. In this we attack those differences and we work together to fulfill his vision for the Body of Christ. Our work is to share the truth of the gospel of Christ and offer Salvation to even those that have doubts of our beliefs. We are to share the understanding of the importance of surrendering to God a life used to spread the love of God. One bodtinChrist brand, we are agents of change while shining together we will influence change. Even to those that don't have the courage and conviction to come forward to make the necessary changes to become partners of this body we welcome and embrace them. This brand is new but we are here as servants willing to assist when needed. Our clothing and accessories brand are a reflection of this vision to build the Knowledge of the Kingdom of God as One Body in Christ to the world.

All gifts are put back into maintaining OneBodTinChrist to push God's Vision forward in the Kingdom of God.

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